Sunday, May 11, 2008

CVS 5/11 - 5/17

COLGATE MaxFresh burst, Total Advance clean, whitening, fresh toothpaste 4oz ORWave or Sponge Bob toothbrush. You pay $2.99, get $2.00 EBC's back, like paying $0.99cents for one tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush. Limit 5 per card.

My money-making plan: Take my 3 Colgate Total Advanced Whitening $1.50 off coupons (Each coupon from an All You Mag., page 76), and another $1.50 off one from (hit the back button to try for more than 1!). Plus there was a $1.00 off coupon in the 4/27 SmartSource insert. I'll use one of those too.

$2.99 Colgate x 5 = $14.95
+ $0.77 Ajax dish liquid (as a filler to kick my pre-tax total over $15.00) = $15.72
- $3/$15 coupon from HERE = $12.72...
- $7 in my coupons = 5.72 + tax OOP.

When all is said & done, I will get $10 back in ECB's, making myself about $4.00!! If you can get 5 $1.50 off coupons, you'll make more!!

Buddies, powder, lotion, oil wash, shampoo, balm, bedtime washcloths, or Desitin 2 oz.

On the Johnson's baby wash, you should find a little $1.00 off Desitin coupon! Score!

My plan:
2 15 oz. Johnson's baby wash + 2 Desitin 2 oz
= $10.00
Use my 2 $1.00 off Johnson's coupons from HERE
Use 2 $1.00 off Desitin coupons from the Johnson's baby wash.
= $10 - $4.00 in coupons = $6.00 for all 4 items.

You won't make any ECB's, but I'm OK with that because $1.50 for each of those items is a great price! Plus I'll pay for them with my previous ECB's, making them FREE anyways!


Not only will you make some money off of the Colgate $1.50 coupon from the All You Magazine, but you will also find a coupon for FREE Adidas Action 3 Anti Perspirant 2.8 oz. (pg. 85), and you'll get $4.99 back in ECB's. Both great money makers!!

I bought ( 3 ) All You Magazine at Walmart for $1.77 each and have saved MUCH more than that with the great coupons inside! Must buy!


Allison said...

Have you been to CVS and seen the Colgate with the wave toothbrush? I thought, when I read the ad, that they came separately, not together. That would be great if they were packaged together!

The Whatcott Fam said...

Can someone tell me where at WalMart I can find the All You magazine? I looked where all the other magazines are and couldn't find it!

Connie said...

I saw the toothpaste with the toothbrush together the other day, but went today and didn't see them anymore, guess they're gone! :( So I just got 5 toothpaste for the deal. :)

Priceless Heritage said...

Thanks everyone for all the great information- it's been saving me alot of $. If you like Soy Milk you can print coupons for $1 off at the 8th continent website.