Wanna know how to look your best without anyone knowing how you just lost inches?
Shhhhh…It’s Shapewear!
Introducing Maidenform’s NEWEST Solution to Affordable Summer Dressing:
Flexees® FAT FREE DRESSING! This GIVEAWAY includes a tank top, tee shirt and boy shorts!
- The stretch supplex bust and hip panels on the camisole looks like a normal tee shirt, but it has a built in/hidden soft microrfiber liner that smoothes and shapes your midsection!
- This stuff takes off INCHES! This is the quickest solution to staying SKINNY in the SUN!
- You can wear this everyday with any outfit!
- Wear alone, or under your clothes! This is a summer must have!
You can find Flexees ® Fat Free Dressing on Maidenform.com or Macy’s Stores.
Tee Shirt: $38 Tank: $36 Boys Short: $26
How to enter:
1. For one entry, leave your first and last name in a comment along with your email address. Example: Jane Doe
2. For a second entry leave a new comment telling us your first and last name and which of the 3 products you are most excited to receive. Example: Jane Doe: Boy shorts because my bootie has it's own zip code
3. For a third entry, tell us your first and last name and either add our button to your site (I fixed it so it should work now!) or become a follower. If you already have, then THANKS! (That can count, too!) Example: Jane Doe: I'm a loyal follower OR I added your button. Word.The winner of the Flexees® FAT FREE DRESSING will be announced Wednesday, June 10th.For our official rules, visit HERE
Holly Llewellyn
Holly Llewellyn
I sooooo need the shorts...baby num 2 is due soon and these hips and buns aren't going to be getting smaller anytime soon...a little help would be nice once he comes!!
Becky Taylor
Michelle McClure
Michelle McClure
Ummm the tank. My midsection has so many rolls I hear it singing when I wake up...THE HILLS ARE ALIVE! WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC!
Michelle McClure
LOYAL follower
Lindsey Wente
Totally excited for the tank and the shirt. Get rid of the muffin middle. :)
Candis Crow
Kim Prince
I could use them all so it is hard to choose just one. I am adding you button right now and I follow you in google reader.
Do I get an extra one because you babysit my niece?? LOL
I added your button but for some reason the picture doesn't show. If you click on it it will still take you to your site. Don't know why there is no picture.
Kelsey Simmons: kelseykovit@msn.com
Kelsey Simmons: I really need the tank top to help conceal my "just had a baby 2 months ago flab" ;) kelseykovit@msn.com
Karen Baker
I would like the tank top to wear under shirts. Way too many rolls for my taste around my stomach. It would be great for shaping.
Lorianne Rosengarten
Chaya Allen
Lorianne Rosengarten: Tee shirt because I need as much help as I can get!!!
Lorianne Rosengarten: I am now a follower!
Chaya Allen
I love the tank top! It would fit perfect under my shirts!
PS I'm a Loyal Follower!!
Myranda Barnes
myranda barnes
the t-shirt!
Mikelle Jones
Mikelle Jones
I would like the tank. I'm about to have a baby, and I know I'm going to need some midsection help!
Amy Owens---Ilovewednesdays@live.com
Amy Owens-Ilovewednesdays@live.com
I would love the tank top for sure!
Jami Hall
couponing4me (at) gmail (dot) com
Melissa johnson
I would love the TANK because I still have a tiny pooch from having my daughter.
Oh, and I already follow you in google reader, but I shall officially follow you right NOW! *runs off to follow bargain moms*
Jami Hall
I would love the tank top!
Jami Hall
I am a follower!
Brandi Jex bjex96@yahoo.com
Brandi Jex
Definitely the boy shorts for me. In our family the girls are known for their backsides, and not neccesarily in a good way!
Brandi Jex
You will be my first button!:)
Becky Shipley
I would love the tank to help hide my muffin top!
Nachelle Sampson
I like the tank top myself. The more coverage, the better!
Who among us couldn't use the shorts to help flatten our tummies?!
Just Holly.
You're blog is so great! Glad I found it, I'm following it now. I'd love to win either of those tops - I could use a little help in my midsection. Thanks so much!
Rachel Young
Christi Bodrero
Christibodrero at gmail dot com
I definitely am excited for the tank top, I just had a baby so anything that smoothes me down will make me happy!!
Holly Howe
Holly Howe: Tshirt to help suck in my belly while I'm at work.
Holly Howe- LOYAL follower
Maya Andrews
Maya Andrews
Hmmm I think I am most excited about the tank top. Now if only it would magically help me lose 15 lbs of baby weight!
I am a follower, found you from Deal Seeking Mom Forums.
Marci Judkins
Marci Judkins
i like the tank top. it looks awesome.
Marci Judkins
loyal follower.
Hattie Harris
HEather Darger
Loyal Follower
Fatty - need this, excited obout the shirt one!
ANd lets see what else do you do to get 3 entries?
Great contest! Count me in! Carol Huff bchuff@mstar2.net
carol huff - I want the boy shorts for sure - less junk in the trunk!
Carol Huff...adding the button right now, thanks!
I left all the info needed in one comment! I hope i still get the 3 entries.
I'm interested!!
Anna Herda
Shelly Cain
Thanks! shellygaston at juno dot com
Amanda Summers... because one day I want my butt to look like that without the shapewear!
Sherry Balzano
Sherry Balzano
I am so excited for the tank top because a second child at 34 last June has left a muffin top to be reckoned with.
Sherry Balzano
I am a loyal follower!
Brittany Whetten- Shirt- I already have the Maidenform tank tops and love them!
Amanda Coppock--
Amanda Coppock--
I would love to have the tank top!!! :-)
Steph Smucker
I could really use these! Thanks for the giveaway!
Leanne Kirby
Leanne Kirby
I have to say, it's hard to pick just one. I'd go with both the tank and the tee. Hopefully they would held control the girls, and help hide some of the rolls that seem to never go away...why do they have to put Dunkin Donuts in the grocery store!!! Coloattas always seem to be calling my name!!
Thanks for the chance!!
I'm a follower with google!!
denise evanoff
dgpangburn (at) juno (dot) com
denise evanoff
I would say the tank top would excite me the most because it would help hide my muffin top!
Nic Jensen
I would love the tank and bottom...can't seem to lose the last 8 to hide the muffins.
Now that I have found your site....I will never let it go!!! :)
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